Exercise 1
Adjectives and Adverbs
Describe the following image in 25 adjectives
Here are the words I came up with for this picture:
I could only think of 20 adverbs.
Exercise 2
Write a creative paragraph about a dream/event you have experienced
There foot steps rose in volume as i ran further into the fading distance. It beckoned me. I fearfully ran towards it anyway. I could hear there painful, depressing mounts chasing my ears. I covered them quickly with my sweating palms, I didn't want to hear there loud pulsating voices vibrating though my palms trying to reach my ears. The cold mountain breeze froze my moist throat making is as dry as a desert sand. It made me cough violently interrupting the rhythmic pattern of my footsteps as I ran from them.
Exercise 3
Become a spy and develop a possible character
Exercise 4
Character Development - Character Information Sheet
Character Profile Sheet
Character Name
Full Name: Rinako Konki
Nick Name(s): N/A
Character Name
Full Name: Rinako Konki
Nick Name(s): N/A
Gender: Female
25th of May 2015
Status: Single
Spouse: None
Spouse: None
Long (about down to the thighs) bleach blonde
Eyes: Sky Blue
Origin: Elven forests deep in unknown woods
Eyes: Sky Blue
Origin: Elven forests deep in unknown woods
Elvish and English
Height: 6” 3
Height: 6” 3
Structure/Distinguishing Marks/Traits:
A elfven blessing mark (giving by birth) in the shape of a 5 sided
star with marking surrounding it in a deep crimson colour almost like a scab
colour, slim, very shy but get sparks of confidence if her allies or
are in danger
Ethnicity: Full blood elf also know as a holy elf
Kozu Konki the elder of village
A Brother but has left the village, travelling the unknown world and
brings information back such as books so she can learn about the unknown world
Friends/Allies: Frankie The human who she finds on her journey
Enemies: Most of mankind and her brother.
The elders are the fonder of our home today and there discoveries and
finds are what keep the village together, We believe what we are told by them.
Careers: None
Dreams/Life Goals: Dreams to meet humans so I can find out more about their knowledge of the world we both live in and to find a cure for my village
Hobbies: Archery, slight carpenting (bow/ arrow making) and sorcery
Likes: Being out exploring parts of the forest seen hasn’t seen before, learning things about the human world, seeing her parents and having them train her a little, listening to the birds, the way the sunshine’s though the tree leaves.
Loves: Meeting new people, her parents and her brother, nature and anything with a slight nature form,
Dislikes: Arguments among friends,
Loathes: Being treated like a weaklings or being belittled, when allies are not being supportive,
Fears: Being left alone, given the main role or leadership of things powerful opponents
Strengths: Her teammates when they believe in her
Weaknesses: When she begins to doubt her abilities
Good Qualities: : precise aim, sharp reflexes, sensitive hearing,
Bad Habits: Say her spells wrong, losing focus at times
Turn Ons: reckless behaviour and blind confidence
Turn Offs: Sloth- like behaviour, rudeness towards her
Talents: precise aim, sharp reflexes, sensitive hearing
Special Skills: Elemental magic spells , able to channel/ transfer energy though crystals
Weaknesses: When she begins to doubt her abilities
Good Qualities: : precise aim, sharp reflexes, sensitive hearing,
Bad Habits: Say her spells wrong, losing focus at times
Turn Ons: reckless behaviour and blind confidence
Turn Offs: Sloth- like behaviour, rudeness towards her
Talents: precise aim, sharp reflexes, sensitive hearing
Special Skills: Elemental magic spells , able to channel/ transfer energy though crystals
N/A ( Not sure what that meant)
Background: Rinako was born in a small village deep in a forest long forgotten by outsiders. The village is protected by a force field of energy created with the magic of the elders stored in the totems surrounding the village, slowly released feeding into the field that protects the elfs. Rinako has always wondered why the totems were there to portect them and why they needed protection but everytime she ask she was told to be quiet and leave that kinda of knowlegde to the elders. No one askes questions here out of repect for the elders who found the village and settlected here many moons ago. If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have servived the great search. In which her parents found in many years after up until this day they are still at war, that is why they Rinako misses them soo much, she doesn’t know much about them but when they are home with her rinako is very happy to see them but isn’t so happy that they only think she does with them is train her archey . You would think that years of fighting her parents wouldn’t want there child to fight as well but not Rinakos parents they want her to live up to there names , they are the 2 ttop warriers for our village and Rinako has to follow in there footsteps. She didn’t have to so much before her brother lef the village to explore the unknow lands he used to be the main focus of her parents which made rinkao slightly jouses has he used to rub it in her face but after he left his responsibilities were now rinakos and now she misses him more then has ever before. He does visit the village to share what knowledge he had learned about the humans and the unknown lands with Rinako a lot but the eldrs told him to stop as it was ‘dangoures’ for her as Rinako started asking more and more qutesions about the unknow lands and wanted the leanr there langaue more. They started to think that she wanted to be one of them and not an elf like she was. They didn’t tell Rinako that her brother was forbidden to share his knowledge with her so he didn’t visit so much but she just believed the he didn’t care for her as much as she thought her parents and the elders didn’t think to correct her and thought it was better she believe that instend of the truth. While her parents were away Rinako was left with her gauiden bound to her after coming of age cermoney Kozu who swore to keep safe from harm take all resonibliy for her actions and cure her of illness . Even though every elf is given a grauiden from the age of 3 till 22 Kozu seemed more then that for rinako he is hermother,father,sibling,friend and grandparent all in one. Because Kozu is an elder he knows a lot of magic powerful spells and are never used unless the case is dier. As part of Rinako training the elder thought for her to be able to live up to her parents name and staus she could cerpass them if she knows some elemental spells which would surely aid her in her life events. No matter how many time kozu told her Rinako could never find the interest in scorrcey like they hoped she would . None the less he pormised her parent that he would teach her and that is what he intected to do. To sprak her inteset he started to use crystals to help her channel her engery and use it with her spells to make the more powerful, it certainly sparked her interest but Rinako was still not in touch with her inner sprit enough to use the crystals at there full power. Because of this she needed to go through a lot of sprit training with the elder but often hid from him because she didn’t like the takses at all. She didn’t believe she could ever be in touch with her inner spirt so she didn’t feel the need to try anymore. A while of hiding from the elder and sleepless nights filled with worry for her parents safty news broke out that many villaers had falling ill with an uncare able illness much of the forest was cloesd off so the illness didn’t spread as fast. Kozu did his best to helpo the sick but each attpemt ended with dead every time. Rinako started to fear for her life but at least parents were far away from this and they were save she thought. But a messanger brought news that the illness had infected her parents the last time the visited and now they are unable to fight and are on there death beds. With all hope under soil Kozu and the 5 other elders has no choice but to send Rinako out to find a cure for them, she asked them why only her why not the warriers staioned in the village. They told her that it has to be her and only her as she is is the only one with more amunity then the otehrs before of her lack of being in touch with her sprit and knowing some knowlegde of the unknown lands from her brother. This is a dream come ture for Rinako now she is able to expore the unknow lands like her brother, possible run into him and find out about the world that we were blocked off against all to help her parents and the village fight the illness.
Exercise 5
Story Arc
Whole Story Arch ( Full Scale)

Exercise 6
Linear/Non-linear Narrative
Exercise 7
Developing a plot flowchart
Exercise 8
Narrative Modes
Exercise 9
Story elements for Interactive Storytelling
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